Common Dishwater Drain Issues

In today’s world, dishwashers have become a handy convenience of modern daily life. You fill your dishwasher with the dirty dishes, run a cleaning cycle, and then spend your time doing other tasks. Most people take a functional dishwasher for granted until it suddenly stops operating. The materials that build up in your dishwashers, such as food, paper, and dirt, can produce blockages and backups that limit your dishwasher’s performance.


When your dishwasher fails to empty, it is most likely an issue with your drain. You should fix the problem as soon as possible to prevent bacteria from forming and producing a more significant problem. Let’s look at some of the most common dishwasher drain issues homeowners face.


Common Dishwater Drain Issues


Here are the five most common dishwasher drain issues:


1.   Clogged Drain Hose


Dishwashers are typically connected to the kitchen sink’s drain pipe. The drain hose is one of the most integral parts of every dishwasher because it transports dirty water away from your appliance. The drain hose may get blocked with dirt and food particles that cause your dishwasher to stop working. To fix this problem, remove the drain hose from the dishwasher and the sink drain to clean it. Be sure to reattach the hose precisely as it was before you removed it.


2. Clogged Filters


Another essential step to take if your dishwasher won’t drain is to inspect the filter. Dishwasher filters are an essential component that you must maintain for the machine to function correctly. Filters catch soggy food particles and keep extra food and oil from draining. If you do not clean filters regularly, they can quickly become clogged. To extend the life of your dishwasher and ensure it’s working right, clean your dishwasher filters at least once a month. Cleaning your filters is a straightforward process that helps prevent issues with your appliance.


3. Garbage Disposal Issues


If you do not remove the knockout plug when installing a new garbage disposal, it can cause your dishwasher to get blocked. Removing this plug will most likely fix your clogged dishwasher. If your garbage disposal is outdated, the food you’re flushing can also be moving down your dishwasher drain. If you think the problems are coming from your garbage disposal, contact your plumber to check.



4. Clogged Drain Pump


Leftover food particles and grease can quickly clog your drain pump. After a washing cycle, the drain pump will not effectively empty the water. Additionally, foreign items, such as broken glass, can quickly become stuck in the drain pump and stop it from operating. If there is an issue here, you should call your local plumber immediately for repairs.



5. Broken Sewer Line


A damaged sewer line can also be the cause of your clogged dishwasher. If your dishwasher, toilet, or shower refuses to drain, it’s vital to call a professional plumber to check your drains. Since burst broken sewer lines are one of the most serious plumbing issues, you need to be proactive with these repairs.


Blocked drains may be a headache as well as a health hazard in your house. If you do not repair a clogged dishwasher quickly, you leave room for more significant damage. If you cannot identify the source of your problem, it’s vital to call an expert immediately to solve the issue.

If you need a reliable Pasadena drain cleaning service, we’re here to help!

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